Inspired by A&E Crime/Investigation shows (First 48, Crime 360 and Live PD), experience what it’s like to work crime scenes from the comfort of your own home. Using an AR-supported device with AR Core, the latest cutting-edge augmented reality tech from Google, you can select cases, scan rooms and find clues.
Leverage a variety of tools to collect and analyze evidence, directing you to a prime suspect. The more evidence you gather, the greater your chances of getting a conviction. Do you have what it takes to become a homicide detective?
The app is now free and supports multi-user gameplay between two players with the latest ARCore update!
New features:
- Multi-user gameplay (beta). Create a crime scene and share your detective duties with another player!
- Search, tag and analyze evidence; your partner will see your progress and you’ll see his.
- Tackle five different cases together!
Known Issues:
- Placement and orientation of victim and/or assets might be slightly offset between two devices.
- Second player may have some difficulty joining the crime scene; try and point the device at the same target location as your partner and scan your device around that space.
Terinspirasi oleh A & E Crime / Investigasi menunjukkan (Pertama 48, Crime 360 dan Hidup PD), pengalaman apa rasanya TKP bekerja dari kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri. Menggunakan perangkat AR-didukung dengan AR Inti, terbaru cutting-edge teknologi augmented reality dari Google, Anda dapat memilih kasus, memindai kamar dan menemukan petunjuk.
Memanfaatkan berbagai alat untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis bukti, mengarahkan Anda ke tersangka utama. Semakin banyak bukti yang Anda kumpulkan, semakin besar kesempatan Anda mendapatkan keyakinan. Apakah Anda memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang detektif pembunuhan?
Aplikasi ini sekarang bebas dan mendukung gameplay multi-user antara dua pemain dengan update Arcore terbaru!
Fitur baru:
- gameplay Multi-user (beta). Buat TKP dan berbagi tugas detektif Anda dengan pemain lain!
- Cari, tag dan menganalisa bukti; pasangan Anda akan melihat kemajuan Anda dan Anda akan melihat nya.
- Tackle lima kasus yang berbeda bersama-sama!
Masalah Dikenal:
- Penempatan dan orientasi korban dan / atau aset mungkin akan sedikit offset antara dua perangkat.
- Pemain Kedua mungkin memiliki beberapa kesulitan bergabung TKP; mencoba dan menunjuk perangkat di lokasi target yang sama seperti pasangan Anda dan memindai perangkat Anda di sekitar ruang itu.
Inspired by A&E Crime/Investigation shows (First 48, Crime 360 and Live PD), experience what it’s like to work crime scenes from the comfort of your own home. Using an AR-supported device with AR Core, the latest cutting-edge augmented reality tech from Google, you can select cases, scan rooms and find clues.
Leverage a variety of tools to collect and analyze evidence, directing you to a prime suspect. The more evidence you gather, the greater your chances of getting a conviction. Do you have what it takes to become a homicide detective?
The app is now free and supports multi-user gameplay between two players with the latest ARCore update!
New features:
- Multi-user gameplay (beta). Create a crime scene and share your detective duties with another player!
- Search, tag and analyze evidence; your partner will see your progress and you’ll see his.
- Tackle five different cases together!
Known Issues:
- Placement and orientation of victim and/or assets might be slightly offset between two devices.
- Second player may have some difficulty joining the crime scene; try and point the device at the same target location as your partner and scan your device around that space.